Thursday, March 10, 2011

Accompany Your Child at the Dentist

Why parents are invited into appointments (dental and medical) with their children.
The objective of a dental check-up for a child is the same as it is for a "Well Child Exam"' at the physician.  The purpose is to help parents support the growth of a healthy child.  If a parent is to learn:
1.      What the risk factors for dental disease are for her child.  And how to change those risk factors.
2.      What specific things to do to make tooth cleaning efforts simpler, quicker and at the same time more effective.
3.      The pitfalls to avoid that would lead to high cavity rates and diminished general health.
4.      What to anticipate and plan for to achieve optimum oral health and facial development and a beautiful smile.
The parent must be present in the exam appointment and preferably in work appointments as well if they are necessary.  Well child visits, whether medical or dental, have very little value it the parent is not present to learn.
In our office parents are invited to participate in all appointments. There is so much to learn that will make your child's health better and the parent’s work simpler and effective.

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Welcome to Winning With Smiles - Pediatric Dentistry. We are dedicated to cavity free, healthy beautiful smiles. We look forward to the opportunity to share with you what we know about creating optimal oral health for growing children. We understand oral health is closely tied to general health and like to work closely with the family physician. Oral health is also closely tied to family life and lifestyle. That is why we like to have the family involved with dental appointments. What we teach our patients works best if understood and supported by the family and will benefit the family as well. We enjoy working with parent and siblings present. We have been learning from families since 1974. With the family present, open questions lead to family learning. We are dedicated to your oral health.