Sunday, June 1, 2014

Chocolate for Teeth?!?!?

Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons
Chocolate to the rescue! Eh? … It turns out theobromine, a natural alkaloid found in cocoa works perhaps as well as fluoride to remineralize teeth that have begun to decay. A preliminary laboratory study of the alkaloid comparing it with fluoride to reverse the demineralizing process in tooth decay found them statistically equal.
Can you imagine it now? Brush your teeth clean and then smear a bit of chocolate on them before bed. For those of you on the cutting edge, there is already an “up-scale” chocolate toothpaste emphasizing the theobromine.

Don't jump to conclusions just yet. There is more research going on to verify these preliminary results.

Join us at PIONEER DAY for some fun wall climbing, bounce housing, sack racing and other fun stuff.


  1. Ok this is interesting, all I heard since my childhood is that chocolate damages your teeth, can't wait to read full research work, keep us updated about it

    Even so, you should bear in mind that the chocolate that we usually consume contains sugar, which is related to the appearance of decay. The content of sugar in chocolate varies depending on the type.

    Thus, white chocolate is the least percentage of cocoa contains, being composed mainly of cocoa butter, sugar and other sweeteners. The percentage of chocolate cocoa with milk usually varies between 20 and 50%, but the most common is that you find percentages closer to 20%. The rest of its components are milk, sugar and cocoa butter.

    Dark chocolate is the healthiest of all, since it has at least 45% cocoa . This is the type of chocolate that gives you all the benefits we talked about above. Not only that, but surprisingly and contrary to what has been thought so far, it has components that protect us from cavities . You wonder how it can be.

    Huntsville dentist suggest to prevent your teeth from being damaged is to reduce the intake of foods rich in sugars. In addition, good oral hygiene is of great importance.


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Welcome to Winning With Smiles - Pediatric Dentistry. We are dedicated to cavity free, healthy beautiful smiles. We look forward to the opportunity to share with you what we know about creating optimal oral health for growing children. We understand oral health is closely tied to general health and like to work closely with the family physician. Oral health is also closely tied to family life and lifestyle. That is why we like to have the family involved with dental appointments. What we teach our patients works best if understood and supported by the family and will benefit the family as well. We enjoy working with parent and siblings present. We have been learning from families since 1974. With the family present, open questions lead to family learning. We are dedicated to your oral health.